Friday, March 29, 2013

I decide almost a year ago to hike the Coast to Coast (C2C) trail but put it on the back burner while I tackled the John Muir here in the states.  The C2C has been on my radar for a few years  actually, and after my hike on the Camino moved closer to the top of my hiking list.  It is my hope to hike an international hike every odd year and stateside on the even years.

I proposed the hike to one of my favorite hiking partners, Aloha Ann, but due to work issues it did not seem feasible.  Sad, but understandable.

I also brought the idea to Jill and Virginia, the two ladies from New Zealand that we hooked up with on the Camino.  They were onboard.  Yeah, I would have company along the walk.

Time ticked by as other hikes and life took it course. Once the New Year came and went it was time to get serious.  Per discussions with the NZ ladies, we would employ the services of a tour company. Camping is not always readily available and even frown upon in most places in the UK.  ALL property is private property and trying to find an owner and get permission to camp is not always doable.  Not to mention that Jill and Virginia are not "campers".  Going through the tour group would allow us to hike and know we would have a reserved bed each night.  The company we choose was Northwest Walks (NWW). We went for the self-guided tour, carrying our packs and using hostels when available.  It is costly but assures us a bed each night and at better rates then we could get each night on the fly.

I paid my deposit, bought my plane ticket and then paid the balance due to NWW.   HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!

Sunday, after my daughter left from her visit I opened my email to find not one but two emails from my NZ hiking partners.  Each email was a note of cancellation.  Due to family issues neither of the ladies will be able to accompany me on the walk.  It was a hard hit but I understand that family comes first.  Now I know how Aloha felt on her first Camino Walk when both Nails and I had to back out due to family concerns.  

Of course now being a solo hiker my expenses just increase quite a bit, no sharing of rooms or transportation.  It is what it is.  Looking on the bright side I would be able to do the hike whatever way I so chose. No compromises.  Down side other then expenses is that it will be a much lonelier hike.  Guess I will have to be the chatty one this go around and make some new friends.

So at this point the flight is taken care of.  My reservations with NWW are being recalculated as a single.  Once I find out the added cost I will move on forward and make room reservations for the Cuthbert's Way and the St Oswald's Way. 

I will be on a plane to the UK in exactly 3 months.